Friends of MSC
The Parent Teacher Association works to provide parents with an active voice at The Manhattan School for Children.
The FOMSC offers support to the school, both through fostering volunteerism and fundraising. By encouraging parents to contribute their time, talent, and treasure, we further enrich the programs and community at MSC.
Once a month, the FOMSC holds an open meeting. These meetings are public to everyone with a child attending MSC, and they are an excellent way to find out what's happening and how to get involved at our school. In addition to providing updates on all activities and programs each month, these meetings offer the opportunity to ask questions, share thoughts, and provide feedback.
The FOMSC Executive Board meets monthly to discuss ways in which parents can assist the teachers, and administration in advancing the mission of MSC.
You can learn more about the Parents Association via their website at where you can download meeting minutes, approved budgets, volunteer, and donate.
Contact for FOMSC Officers:
Co-Vice Presidents: