MSC School Leadership Team- SLT

The School Leadership Team (SLT) is a joint team of teachers, parents, school staff, and the Principal that is mandated by the Chancellor's Regulation A-655. The SLT plays a significant role in creating a structure for school-based decision making and shaping the path to a collaborative school culture. The SLT contributes to the development of the Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP). It is a vehicle for developing school-based educational polices and ensuring that resources are aligned to implement those policies. The SLT is not involved in the day-to-day operations of the school but meets once a month to collaborate regarding issues important to the school. SLT members can solicit input from various constituencies in order to ensure that all voices are heard regarding the needs of students.

MSC SLT Members:

School Principal/Designee: Marciarie Rodriguez

UFT Chapter Leader/Designee: Kristopher Casey

SLT Chairperson: Olivia Greer

PA President/Designee: Jessica Weiss

Parent Members: Cristina Fabricant, Lisa Muratori, Kieran Hartsough

Teacher/Staff Members: Karel Miles, Danielle Tiboni, Chenora Davis

SLT Meeting

Date: Wednesday, November 8th, 2023

Time: 3:15pm

Location: Rm. 517 & via zoom

Zoom Link: Click Here

Meeting ID: 556 220 0035

Passcode: 512313

Meeting Minutes // View All