
Hello Families!

Happy October to you! I hope you've all been having a great long weekend and happy holiday if you celebrate. We only have a three day week and here is the news...


  • FAMILY SING - will start at 8:35 and will probably run to 9:00. This is a time for us all to sing together - your kids, you, any siblings, other family members. Please join us if you can! There will be song books and familiar songs. If you can't stay - please don't worry about your child not having a grown up - the grown ups who can stay will snuggle in with your child too. We have FAMILY SING every first Friday of the month.

  • After Family Sing and making sure we all go to the bathroom, our FIELD TRIP will be walking to 93rd Street in Central Park. We will first position ourselves under some trees and will be creating "Bark Rubbings" - artworks using paper, crayon and the bark of the tree. We will also collect some leaves, acorns and small twigs for future science and art lessons.

  • After the tree portion of our field trip we will go play in the Wild West Playground. We will stay there until about 11:15 and then go back to school for lunch. There will be no water play at the playground - just all the other fun stuff.

  • PLEASE JOIN US on our walking field trip! You would be with us from 9:20 - 11:15. On every trip we take the more adults the better! I will put up a sign up sheet outside the classroom. Thank you!

WATER BOTTLES: Please be sure to send your child to school with an empty water bottle or even a plastic cup they can use to drink from our water dispenser. We are trying not to use plastic throw away cups. Thank you!

NO SCHOOL: On Wednesday, Oct. 9th for Yom Kippur.


We are still working through everybody's Star Name as part of our word study/social studies work. This week we will introduce vowels within the context of looking at and learning names.

In writing we are going to learn that sometimes writers close their eyes, picture the topic they want to write about and then put all the details into their pictures and possibly words. We are also continuing to learn to use the alphabet chart on the back of our writing folders as a tool to help us write down sounds we hear when trying to write words. But the most difficult part of writers workshop right now is the building of writing stamina. In our workshop we write until the whole amount of writing time is over. We teach the saying, "When you are done, you have just begun." - which has kids fighting against the instinct to immediately get up to show their writing to me and be finished with writing. We are going to be working on figuring out what "done" means - is there anything else you can add? Details in a picture? A label? A sound? And then once a child decides they are truly finished with a piece they need to place it in their folder, grab onto a new idea and get a new piece of paper - independently. So sophisticated!

In reading we are getting used to reading with a partner. The kids have learned how to sit "hip to hip," holding a book in the middle and taking turns doing "see saw reading" which is I read a page, you read a page. This week we will be focusing on re-reading. When we re-read a book we begin to pick up and understand new things about it. One thing we begin to see is that all of the pages of a book go together and then when we "read" the pages (and by read we mean both reading pictures and, if children are already reading some words, then reading words but both are reading), we put the pages together and use our own words to learn as much as we can.

In math we are going to be focusing on how to organize our counting. How can we make sure we count a group of objects correctly? We will revisit the game "Shake and Spill 6" again and also learn about representing our math thinking.

We will be learning about trees so we are ready for our trip on Friday. We will see what we already know about trees and then focus on the parts and their purposes.

We have almost finished our "Me Stew" projects and will continue our social studies work of looking closely at our differences and similarities. We will also continue to learn about compromise when, for example, we are building in the block area, doing dramatic play, creating sculptures with playdoh, sharing art materials, building with construction materials. How do we manage to work out who uses a tool first? How do we figure out what to build together when we both may have our own individual ideas? How do we manage taking turns? Here is one of my favorite quotes about this type of social learning, "Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood." Mr. Rogers.

Have a wonderful rest of the week!




Hello Families!
Thank you for coming together last Friday for our family breakfast! I hope you had a chance to chat up some other parents. We had a great week last week - our class is forming a sweet community and we've been having a lot of fun getting to know how kindergarten works and getting to know one another. Here is the news for this week...
NO SCHOOL: On September 30th and October 1st (next Monday and Tuesday) for Rosh Hashanah.
FOUND STUFF: I am collecting the following reusable items:wine corksapple sauce/yogurt topsold keysold ribbonsorigami paperany small/clean items you think would be cool to make art withFEELINGS ATTENDANCE CHART: Please remind your child to use the feelings attendance chart every morning. Thank you!
OUR CLASS PROMISE (Rules): After a lot of ideas, working to change negatives to positives (instead of don't, do), sorting and combining we have come up with our final promises!I will choose kindness.I will be safe.I will always say "I can try."I will care for the things in our classroom.I will help to create a happy class.WHAT WE ARE UP TO:
This week, as part of our social studies unit "Myself and Others," we are going to be learning a Shel Silverstein poem called Me Stew. We will be discussing it and then thinking about what "ingredients" we would put in a recipe for our own stew. This is not a food recipe but a recipe that teaches people what the most important/favorite things are in each of our lives. Hard to describe but stay tuned to see the finished products!
We have started using folders in our writers workshop and are learning how to write until the workshop is over. The saying is "When you are done you have just begun." So when a child thinks they have finished a piece of writing, they are learning to read it over, read it to a friend, add more to a picture, maybe add some sounds or words and if they have done all of those things they are to get a new piece of paper and start a new piece of writing. Right now our workshop time is a bit shorter so that all of that doesn't feel overwhelming. We will also be learning how to use our writing folders and how to use the alphabet chart that is on the back.
In our reading workshop we are looking at non fiction books to learn things. We know that reading is something we are all already doing because it means reading pictures, and it can also mean reading words. This week we are going to learn how to read both independently and with a partner and to reread books to learn even more from the pages.
We are continuing with our Star Name work and besides comparing names that start with the same letter, we are also going to learn about special letters - vowels. Phonics is fun!
In math we are going to learn about matching a total to a number. We will be playing a game called Number Path Towers, and will be making numbers out of playdoh. Last week we will learned that totals don't change based on the configuration of arrangements and we created an art work with 5 cotton balls to see how that fact actually looks as we compared how we each placed our 5 cotton balls. You can see this work hanging up in the classroom.
We are going to be having a rich discussion about what nature (science) is to help us discover that we are already scientists - we know so much! We are also going to start a study of trees.
This week during Worktime we are going to be focusing on the meaning/action of the word compromise. So juicy!! All of the words/concepts we learn are based on learning that happens naturally during play but by focusing on one at a time and giving each skill a great deal of attention we are helping the kids become even more aware during their interactions with one another.
Last week we learned about what to do when we are "bombaloo." This is based on a book called Sometimes I'm Bombaloo by Rachel Vail. Bombaloo means angry. We need to know how to handle ourselves when we feel like we want to yell or hurt somebody because of anger. We now know there are at least 4 strategies to use when we feel bombaloo: Take a deep breath.Walk away.Use your words.Ask for help.This week we will continue with an exploration of types of conflict and when to know we are dealing with something we can handle ourselves or when we may need to ask an adult for guidance. We will be learning about bummers, problems, and disasters!
Have a wonderful week!Love,Lynn


Hello Families!

Your children made it through an entire week of school last week! That's a lot! And they were seriously fantastic. Here comes another full week of getting to know each other, getting comfortable in school and creating a community in our classroom. So here is the news...

CLASS BREAKFAST: So that you all have a chance to get to know each other, we will have a breakfast in our classroom this FRIDAY, SEPT. 20th, from 8:20 - 8:50. I will put up a sign up sheet outside the classroom so you can sign up to bring something (things like coffee, bagels, etc..) Yay!

WATER ETC.: Avery's mom, Elizabeth has offered to take charge of our classroom water. I think she will be letting you know how you can donate funds for the delivery. And the decision about how to drink water is that everybody will bring a water bottle. I'm working on figuring out where to store these bottles inside the classroom during the day (best not to have kids going into the hallway to retrieve them) but for now let's put them on the sand table right inside the classroom door. So thank you Elizabeth and thank you all!

STILL COLLECTING FAMILY PHOTOS: Remember - if you don't have a photo of the full family, you can always collage one together (not too big please) - you know, cut out a head from another photo and glue it on to an almost complete photo! It works! The idea is to get up your photo so your child can always see you and understand there is a connection between home and school. It's comforting and lovely.

SPECIAL DAYS vs. STAR NAME: Just in case your child is coming home telling you they need to have their Special Day now - I wanted to clarify the difference and why there may be confusion. Special Days happen throughout the year. We already had 2 last week because there happened to be 2 birthdays. Star Name is something I do through our phonics study and every child will have a Star Name Day within the next 6 weeks. Hope that makes sense - I just had a vision of kids coming home all pumped up yelling, "When is my Special Day???"

FOUND THINGS: I collect the following recycled items for art work

  • Wine corks

  • apple sauce pouch/yogurt pouch twist off tops

  • old keys

  • any interesting/colorful/clean knick knacks that would be suitable for art work


We are, of course, still getting to know each other and our surroundings. We are learning the routines of Morning Meeting, learning different greetings, learning each others' names and ultimately getting comfortable in school. This week we will talk about our Hopes and Dreams for kindergarten and use these as our foundation for creating our class agreement or class rules. We will be reading the book, David Goes to School, without reading the text and only reading the pictures in order to notice and discuss what David is doing that's a problem. Then we will be creating an alternate book where instead of pictures of problematic behavior, we will be drawing pictures of "yes" behaviors - what he should be doing. The next day we will build on that by role playing some other possible problems that sometimes come up in our school lives and charting those. Then for Day 3 we will be sorting problems and solutions into 3 groups - Ourselves, Others, and our Classroom. After all of this rich work, we will decide on our class rules which I will then share with you!

Last week we discovered that we are already readers and writers! Some of us can read words and all of us can read signs! Some of us can write words, letters, and all of us can write using our drawings! We're off to a great start. We will continue with the launching lessons in our Readers and Writers workshops this week. We are also doing our extremely exciting Star Name phonics work!
We've been exploring our math manipulatives (the tools we use to help us do math.) This week we will be learning that the last number you say or land on when counting is the total. We had a discussion as part of our "Ourselves and Others" social study about the similarities and differences with how we get to school most days. The kids drew on a card and we created a graph. This week we will be using the graph to learn about totals. We will also be using attendance - specifically an attendance stick - to do this math work. We have also started to have Number Talks and are using the counting of the days we've been in school on a 10 frame to introduce the concept of using different math strategies to count.
Last week we worked on self portraits. We focused first on the parts of our face, the shapes and after looking closely in mirrors, drew the outline of our portraits. Then in the following days we focused on all of the different colors and shades of our faces, our hair, our eyes. We looked closely again and tried to match approximate colors to copies of those same outline portraits. I will have those up for you to enjoy this week. The unit of Ourselves and Others goes way beyond our physical attributes. We will be discovering that we have many things in common and that our differences make for a beautiful and more interesting world. This week we will be reading some books to support this work, including Same, Same But Different by, Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw. We've also been having Worktime every day. This is a time for playing. "Children learn as they play. More importantly, in play, children learn how to learn." O. Fred Donaldson. In other words, this is where our most important and developmentally appropriate learning takes place. Our play is extremely purposeful and meaningful. Along with other social/emotional and academic learning during Worktime, we will also have a "Worktime Word of the Week." I will be teaching directly into concepts such as empathy, compromise, sharing, inclusion, flexibility - and many others.
Are your kids singing This Land is Your Land? Keep on the Sunny Side? Country Roads? The Lion Sleeps Tonight? Are they spontaneously busting into The Chicken Dance? These are our songs and this week we will continue learning these and probably a couple new ones.
Have a great week! Love, Lynn


Hello Families!

Our first two days were fantastic! It was so lovely to meet all of you and to start forming our classroom community. Our class is completely lovely and I am so excited for a great year! I will be sending out a newsletter every Sunday unless we are having a holiday, in which case I will send it out on the last day of the holiday. So, here is the upcoming news for this first full week...

A VERY SHORT BIO: I have been teaching since (gulp) 1994. I've always been in District 3 - spent 5 years at PS 149 in Harlem and then came to MSC in 1999 when we were still a very small school. I took a 6&1/2 year break from teaching starting with the birth of my oldest son Auden in 2003, and in 2007 I also had twin sons, Seamus and Wyatt. I came back to MSC in 2010 (a much bigger school by then) and my sons came with me (eventually all of them.) Now Seamus and Wyatt are in 7th grade and Auden is at Beacon High School. My husband Bud and I and our boys live in the neighborhood so I'm sure I'll be bumping into many of you outside of school!

CLASS PARENTS: Every class at MSC has "Class Parents." These are parents who are willing to do things like form a class google page (or some way for families to communicate with one another), sometimes be the go-between for me and the class if there is an urgent message or a request - things like that. I put up a sign up sheet outside the classroom for 2 or 3 parents.

SNACK: There is a calendar outside the classroom for families to sign up for bringing snack. Families should sign up to bring snack for one week. Whatever is convenient for you is fine, whether you bring a snack each day or bring it in bulk for the week. We do have a child with severe nut and egg allergies so please keep that in mind when choosing snacks. We also try to keep things healthy and the only snacks I ask you not to buy are popcorn and rice cakes - too messy! Also, I cannot peel oranges or wash fruit as I am the only teacher in the room so please bring things prepared to give out. Bags of food are fine - I can pour out piles of pretzels, goldfish - things like that for the kids to share. Otherwise here are some ideas: fruit, cut up veggies, nut free granola bars, any kind of crackers/snack food in bags, yogurt squeezers, cheese sticks. We have 24 kids in our class. *Nobody has signed up for this week so please let me know if you can do it and I will let the class know. Thank you!!!!

WATER: The most efficient, least disruptive way for kindergartners to get water whenever they are thirsty is to have water inside the classroom. We already have a water dispenser and just need somebody to take on collecting money and then securing a water delivery for us. Is anybody happy to do this? If so, please let me know and I can fill you in on how parents have done it in the past. Thank you! Also, there are 2 ways we can "do" drinking water - we can have permanent plastic/tin cups with the kids' names and each Friday a different parent takes them home to wash them for Monday, OR kids can just bring a water bottle and fill it. Both ways work (if the washing happens.) So how about for this week kids bring a water bottle since we have no cups yet and you can let me know your opinion about cups during the week and we'll go with what the majority wants.

FAMILY PHOTOS: Please send in a small family photo by Friday. It is so comforting and beneficial for your child to see his/her family every day in the classroom! Now, if you're like my family and there is usually one person who is missing from every photo, you can always collage a face or body in! It would be best if it were not too big - like around a 5 x 7 but I will be thankful for whatever you give me!

FAMILY SING/KINDERGARTEN SING/HOOTENANNIES: I play piano and our class will be learning many songs this year! We will be singing every day. Once a week we will also be inviting Julia's class into our room to learn songs and sing with us. Every first Friday of the month from 8:25 - 8:55 you are invited to stay and sing with your child for Family Sing. In the beginning it won't be that long because we won't know that many songs, so for example in October, our first sing will maybe last 15 minutes. Please don't be upset if you can't manage to stay (and btw - siblings are welcome!), all the families who can come will scoop up your child and sing with/love them.

Gerri and Lindsey - the kindergarten teachers in room 506 also play instruments, so they invite Kysha's class to come learn songs once a week too. Then, usually in December we have a whole kindergarten Hootenanny! We all come together and invite kindergarten grown ups who play instruments to play with us and we sing all the songs we have learned so far! Then we have another one in June. So fun!


  • Monday: Greenhouse with Shakira

  • Tuesday: Gym with Dinko (kids should wear shoes they can run in)

  • Wednesday: Dance with Nadia (This will switch in the spring to Art. * Kids have to take their shoes and socks off to be in the dance room so on these days please make sure your child is wearing shoes that either can be slipped on/off or wear shoes that your child can take on and off themselves, and no tights. Thanks!)

  • Thursday: Gym with Dinko

  • Friday: Dance with Nadia

  • We have recess every day from 9:55- 10:35. All the kindergarten classes and teachers are at recess together every day.

LUNCH: I am not with the class at lunch. Shelley, the music teacher is the lunch teacher in our room. Besides "doing" lunch, she will also be teaching them music after they finish! Also, school lunch is free. If you would like your child to eat school lunch there is a sign up sheet outside the classroom where you can sign them up. They can have it every day or just on "Pizza Fridays!"

FIELD TRIP FRIDAYS: Also, the first Friday of every month, every class in the entire school goes on a field trip. If you have any great ideas about trips please let me know!


We are all getting to know each other, our classroom, our school and the routines of the day. This week we will continue to get comfortable and will start a few special projects. We will read some awesome books including Elephants Cannot Dance by Mo Willems. After reading that book we will have a discussion about what it means to say "I can" and to give things our best TRY. I let the kids know that we love mistakes in kindergarten because of course we all make them and they always help us learn. The more mistakes the better! We will brainstorm a list of things that we want to try this year in kindergarten and then create pictures of ourselves doing our "try." This will become a visualization of what our hopes and dreams are for kindergarten this year.

We will learn new greetings and routines for our Morning Meeting, learn new games, dances, songs, and make friends with one another. Last week we started to learn the lyrics to This Land is Your Land, and learned the Chicken Dance! This week we will continue to learn those songs and learn new ones as well. By the way, ask your kids about what an "Interrupting Chicken" is!

This week we are also going to start some extremely important work around developing our Classroom Agreement - or class rules. Once we have figured out and decided upon our agreement, I will share it with you.

We will also be creating self portraits as part of our "Myself and Others" social studies work, taking tours of the floors of school, having guided discoveries of tools we will be using in math and starting some phonics work using our names.

This is going to be a very fun but possibly a tiring week for your little ones. Sometimes when kids realize they have to pull it together for school day after day they fall apart a bit in the morning before the day starts. Most often, you bear the brunt of this and they may cry a little at separating when they day starts. I can assure you - once you leave they are fine. It usually takes a minute or two and then they are busy and content. It's all good!

Please don't hesitate to reach out to me via email if you have any questions or concerns. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

