Welcome to Art! That is our greeting in my room. The visual arts curriculum follows the Manhattan School for Children’s educational philosophy of using inquiry based, child-centered learning. The visual arts curriculum of MSC is organized in the same format as the New York City Blueprint for Teaching and Learning in the Arts, K – 12, and is aligned with the Core Curriculum’s National Standards for the Arts. Classroom teachers and I coordinate interdisciplinary thematic units and I reinforce the learning that takes place with our Arts Partnership, Lincoln Center Education.
We encourage children to ask questions. The overarching questions for the visual arts curriculum include the broadest possible questions which can be revisited by children year after year as the move through each grade’s art curricula. Our Children are active and eager explorers of their world and we will investigate the properties of art materials and learn about the concepts and techniques of art. They will understand that everyone can create art and that everyone has something to express, working independently and in groups. They experience success in many processes of art making, including painting, drawing, cutting, gluing, folding and molding in clay. All of our students grow through art making, art viewing and talking about art!
Should you have any questions, feel free to contact me at BWinter@schools.nyc.gov. The art studio is located in room 503