
Hello Families!

I hope you've been enjoying this beautiful fall weekend! Here is what's happening...

PICTURE DAY: Is THURSDAY, OCT. 17th at 9 AM. Yay! This means no lunch stains on your child's clothes for school pictures!

HARMONIZE KIDZ: Is starting this Tuesday! Stacie will be starting to teach the kids her original song The Golden Rule as well as the first lesson that accompanies it. I'm really excited for the class to start their work with Stacie and Mr. Sing-a-wrong who you will find out about on Tuesday...

REQUEST: We are going to be creating "First Letter of Our Name Collages" this week. If you are able, would you please go through a few magazines with your child to cut out pictures of things that start with the same letter as the first letter of their name? You can collect those pictures in a small baggie and please bring it in for Wednesday. Thank you!


We have finished all of our Star Names and now will be working on "owning" the letters in our names and teaching them to others, as well as using our names to build new words.

In writers workshop we are going to be starting to use booklets as a choice for our writing. We will be saying the story we want to write across three pages- touching each page as we go before even putting pictures/words/sounds down.

In reading we are going to be diving into "Old Favorite" books! These are stories that you probably read when you were little and now have passed on to your kids (Where the Wild Things Are, The Carrot Seed, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Caps for Sale and many more!) This week we are going to be focusing on making the words we "read" match the page we are reading. We do this by following the action we see in the pictures and remembering words we have previously heard/read in the book. An example of this is in The Three Billy Goats Gruff where we see the Troll under the bridge and one of the billy goats on top of the bridge and we read/say "Trip, trap, trip, trap." "Who's that tromping over my bridge?" said the Troll.

In math, we are going to be having number talks about holding a number and counting on. We will be using rekenreks for this work. Then we will also be learning a really fun game called Build It where we will be using 10 frames, a pile of cards, counters and a folder as a hiding barrier (a la Battleship) between each others' boards. Kids will be building a number based on a card and then explaining to one another how they built it on their ten frame and then compare how they each built the number.

For our science work we are going to be starting something called "Weather Wednesdays." This will be a way of learning to observe, track and understand weather and temperature through the months and seasons during school. The first time we will be doing it as a class. After that, every Wednesday the Weather Wednesday journals will be out on the tables in the mornings when kids come into school and they will do that work first thing.

In Social Studies, besides delving into The Golden Rule, we are going to be continuing our "Myself and Others" work. We learned about using shapes to help us create representational drawings and have drawn our own bodies. We are working on a project where we think about who we are and will use those body drawings plus things we know about ourselves to ultimately create an artwork that teaches others about ourselves. We will also be continuing to focus on the concept of flexibility while working through our play.

Have a lovely rest of the week!

